I personally think the website can help improve business for any of the orthodontists that register with us. Theses are the days where personalized service and custom made products are in high demand. People want choice - with everything! So offering a wide selection of custom retainer designs to patients can definately raise the satisfaction factor. If the patient is thrilled with how their retainer looks when they get it, chances are that they will be more engaged with their treatment, and take better care of it.
Kids like having the choice, and now i think that so many kids and teens are web savvy, that using the site to design their retainers will be second nature to them. I see a future where dental offices that do not offer an online design option will fall behind those that do. I say this because even though Orthodontists may have been slow to jump on board, patients have been contacting us about how they can get their retainers made!
We've gotten sign-ups with our demo site from all over the world, not just Canada & the US, but also Germany, Italy, and Austrailia. One such person emailed us to ask how she could get her dentist to get a retainer design from us because , and I quote:
"i really want a nice retainer that i will love forever"
And she loved the designs on our site. This is the type of thing that is common with teens and kids -if they think it's cool they want it and their not afraid to ask for it.
Kudos to them.
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